Friday, March 14, 2008

Comments: Lawyer lodges report against Penang CM

The Star Online, Saturday March 15, 2008
PENANG: A lawyer lodged a police report against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng over his statement that he would run the state administration free of the New Economic Policy (NEP). 

Abu Backer Sidek Mohamad Zan, 40, lodged the report at the Jalan Patani police station. 

He told reporters that in his statement he had asked the police to investigate Lim under the Sedition Act and to take action against Lim if he continued to make seditious and racist statements. 
"I believe that the statement is seditious, racist, irresponsible and may endanger public peace and national security," he said. – Bernama  
It is quite surprised that New Economic Policy 1970 (NEP) is a seditious and racist policy that by rebranding it with a better policy will be deemed as making "seditious, racist, irresponsible and may endanger public peace and national security", Rather than attacking the CM of Penang, the protesters should report those street demonstrators who held illegal demonstrations without police permit and to be detained under ISA for flaming up this issue. It is already 37 years since the implementation of NEP and to accord it as "New" economic policy is a backward attitude for the government to move on to greater heights. Hence a really "new" economic policy should be in place for a new start by the Penang new government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Malays and UMNO and even Barisan Nasional are hypocrites. Plain and simple